At Triii Technologies LLC there are some restrictions in place for customers that make use of our internet services, resources and or hardware.
Restrictions and Resource Abuse
- Any purposeful or unintentional behavior that uses up enough system resources to adversely affect other users or equipment is considered resource abuse.
- TOR & I2P – are explicitly forbidden unless written permission is received by the customer by Triii Technologies LLC.
- IMAP, SMTP or similar protocols must have written approval before deployment on any rented machine.
Copyrighted Material & DMCA
- At Triii Technologies LLC we strictly adhere to DMCA guidelines, any content found in violation will result in immediate suspension, followed by immediate termination if not rectified.
- Offenses that are serious or egregious result in immediate termination with no chance of a refund.
Unsolicited Communications
- any email correspondence sent without the recipient’s consent. Unsolicited communications that are intentionally allowed or started will result in instant termination and a permanent ban from all future services.
- Open Mail Relays are prohibited and will result in a suspension after the first infraction; if it is judged purposeful or extreme, an instant ban from all services may be imposed; and after any subsequent suspensions, a permanent ban from all future services will apply.
Malicious Content & Intent
- Any sort of script, code, or other file that executes destructive actions, either to the user impacted or as a result of a user-initiated mass action; Any content that disobeys the laws of the nation it lives in; It is grounds for instant termination and a permanent ban from any future services to knowingly permit or host malicious content.
- Any such violations for malware, viruses or otherwise malicious content is grounds for instant termination and a permanent ban from any future services, additionally a report will be delivered to the relevant law enforcement authorities.
To explore your choices with Triii Technologies LLC, please contact us if you have any questions.
Please Create a Ticket from within your client area for any disputes or concerns regarding this AUP.
Updated 10/10/2024
We reserve the right to modify or amend this AUP with or without notice.