Make extra money by recommending us!

Earn regularly distributed income by simply recommending us, We’ll pay you 10% every month for as long as they are a client. Simply have them purchase the service by way of your unique affiliate link and that’s it!


  • Subscriptions pay a monthly % (10%) of the total services purchased, provided by your affiliate link
  • 5% Personal Coupon Discount on all Services
  • Monthly percentage redeemable as cash payout, optionally if you receive payout as a gift card for Triii Technologies LLC an additional 5% is added to make the total percentage earned (15% total services purchased, provided by your affiliate link)

Affiliation Dashboard

Affiliate program is subject to both our main terms and conditions & our Affiliate Agreement



A privileged and unique relationship with Triii Technologies LLC, decided on by a case by case basis with mutual benefit in mind.


  • Discounted Server Hardware
  • Rack and Stack free
  • Colocation Lease to Own Program
  • Dedicated Support Channel
  • Infrastructure Services
  • 5% Personal Coupon Discount on all Services

Our Partnership Program is currently closed to new applications.